- Status Closed
Assigned To
cbay - Private
Opened by BlackCat2 - 19.10.2024
Last edited by cbay - 24.10.2024
FS#85 - Bug Report: XSS Vulnerability via File Upload
### Bug Report: XSS Vulnerability via File Upload
- Bug Type: Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
- Affected Site: https://admin.alwaysdata.com
#### Steps to Reproduce
1. Log in to the admin panel at [https://admin.alwaysdata.com](https://admin.alwaysdata.com).
2. Navigate to the Feedback section.
3. Create a new ticket for feedback.
4. Attach a file that contains an embedded XSS payload
5. Submit the feedback with the file attached.
6. After submission, open the file in the ticket view.
7. Observe that a popup appears as a result of the XSS payload execution.
#### Impact
- Security Risk: This vulnerability allows attackers to execute arbitrary JavaScript code in the context of the user's browser.
- Potential Exploits: This can lead to session hijacking, redirecting users to malicious sites, or stealing sensitive user information.
- Severity: High – Since the attack leverages file uploads and can be triggered by opening the file in the browser, it could potentially impact many users who interact with the file.
#### Description
The issue occurs when a file is uploaded with a malicious XSS payload embedded. The uploaded file is not sanitized or filtered correctly, allowing the script to execute when viewed. This vulnerability could lead to a serious security breach, compromising user accounts and system data.
Available keyboard shortcuts
- Alt + ⇧ Shift + l Login Dialog / Logout
- Alt + ⇧ Shift + a Add new task
- Alt + ⇧ Shift + m My searches
- Alt + ⇧ Shift + t focus taskid search
- o open selected task
- j move cursor down
- k move cursor up
Task Details
- n Next task
- p Previous task
- Alt + ⇧ Shift + e ↵ Enter Edit this task
- Alt + ⇧ Shift + w watch task
- Alt + ⇧ Shift + y Close Task
Task Editing
- Alt + ⇧ Shift + s save task
Refer to google drive link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kR3KleWyY_46iW_L6xWWBlz-i42M1b_W/view?usp=sharing