Security vulnerabilities

  • Status Closed
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Attached to Project: Security vulnerabilities
Opened by monty099 - 17.07.2024
Last edited by nferrari - 18.07.2024

FS#61 - *Title: Critical Security Vulnerability: Unauthorized Account Deletion via Limited Permissions*

*Title: Critical Security Vulnerability: Unauthorized Account Deletion via Limited Permissions* in []

During my investigation, I discovered a significant security flaw in the system's account management feature.

The system allows users to invite others to manage their accounts with varying permissions, including the ability to enforce two-factor authentication (2FA) before accessing account management privileges.

*Vulnerability Details:*
I identified a vulnerability wherein an invited user, even without sufficient permissions or 2FA activation, can delete the inviting user's account from their own account. This deletion occurs regardless of whether 2FA was enabled during the invitation process.

*Steps to Reproduce the Bug:*
1. Create two accounts.
2. Invite a user to administer your account and enable 2FA.
3. From the invited user's account, delete the account of the inviting user.
4. Observe that the inviting user's account is permanently deleted, despite prior 2FA activation or the absence of sufficient permissions granted.

I sent proof of concept:


This security vulnerability poses a significant risk to user accounts within the system. It allows an invited user, even with limited permissions and without activating two-factor authentication (2FA), to permanently delete the account of the inviting user. This action occurs despite security measures initially set up, such as 2FA activation during the invitation process or inadequate administrative permissions granted.

Closed by  nferrari
18.07.2024 12:56
Reason for closing:  Fixed


Thank you for your report. We are currently investigating and will answer on this subject as soon as possible.



Your report has been approved and a patch has been applied. Can you please open a support ticket to discuss it further?

Thank you


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