- Status Closed
Assigned To
cbay - Private
Attached to Project: Security vulnerabilities
Opened by freetb - 22.12.2024
Last edited by cbay - 23.12.2024
Opened by freetb - 22.12.2024
Last edited by cbay - 23.12.2024
FS#118 - Hidden Matomo Tracking Opt-Out Endpoint
The endpoint is not publicly visible through the application interface but was discovered using search engine dorking techniques.
Low severity as it doesn't reveal sensitive server info
Available keyboard shortcuts
- Alt + ⇧ Shift + l Login Dialog / Logout
- Alt + ⇧ Shift + a Add new task
- Alt + ⇧ Shift + m My searches
- Alt + ⇧ Shift + t focus taskid search
- o open selected task
- j move cursor down
- k move cursor up
Task Details
- n Next task
- p Previous task
- Alt + ⇧ Shift + e ↵ Enter Edit this task
- Alt + ⇧ Shift + w watch task
- Alt + ⇧ Shift + y Close Task
Task Editing
- Alt + ⇧ Shift + s save task
That's standard Matomo behaviour, no security issue here.
Kind regards,