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ID Status Summary Opened by
 18 Closed .git file exposed Devansh811 Task Description

Hello support teams,

I hope this email finds you well. I am Devansh.I am a security researcher and I am writing to bring to your attention a security vulnerability that I have discovered on your website.

Report of bug is as follows:

Vulnerability name: .git file exposed

Website :

Overview of the Vulnerability

The danger occurs when the application leaves the “. git” directory, which is in the system root, exposed. By carelessness, an application that uses Git for versioning can expose the “. git” directory.

Steps to Reproduce

1. open this website in the browser

2. you can see the git file is open

3 .by the dotgit extension you can download the git file

It can be exploited more but may cause harm to your website

Impact of the vulnerability

git folder is required to log every commit history and every other information required for your remote repository, version control, commits etc. These things are saved in different folders which have different meanings. Once the folder is created, open it and see the

References :

Please consider this as an urgent matter and prioritize the resolution of this vulnerability . if you require any additional information or assistance. Do let me know

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.


 17 Closed Lack of password confirmation on account deletion Devansh811 Task Description

Hello support teams,
I hope this email finds you well. I am Devansh . I am a security researcher and I found a vulnerability in your website.

bug name : Lack of password confirmation on account deletion

Description: the user account can be deleted without confirming user password or re authentication.
The removal of an account is one of the sensitive parts of any application that needs to be protected, therefore removing an account should validate the authenticity of the legitimate user.

steps to reproduce:

1. Go to account settings and click on delete account.

2. There will be a next page where I click on delete my account now option.

3. You will see the message of account has been deleted and get logged out

System must confirm authentic user before performing such task. A link can be sent to the user email id that can be used for delete operation. Otherwise user password should be provided to the application to confirm the entity identity.

It seems to be of very low impact,but consider a situation when a user forgets to logout from his account or someone gets access to his phone and deletes the account. This situation is more severe than account takeover as there is no way to get an account again. All the save information and data including previous record, card information etc can be deleted.

video poc is attached

Thanks and regards


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