- Status Closed
Assigned To
cbay - Private
Opened by monty099 - 20.08.2024
Last edited by cbay - 20.08.2024
FS#71 - Title: Unauthorized Email Sending Exploit** in [alwaysdata.com]
*Title: Unauthorized Email Sending Exploit in [alwaysdata.com]
A vulnerability has been discovered in the site's email handling system. The site assigns each user a unique email address. However, it is possible to send an email from any email account, bypassing the intended email restrictions and validation mechanisms.
Vulnerability Details:
- Type: Email Spoofing
- Impact: Unauthorized email sending
- Affected Component: Email Handling System
The application generates a unique email address for each user. However, it is possible to exploit the system to send emails from any arbitrary email address. This issue arises due to insufficient validation of the email sender’s address.
Proof of Concept:
1. Exploit Steps:
- Use an email client or script to send an email through the application.
- Modify the "From" address to any arbitrary email address, not restricted to the user's assigned address.
2. Result:
- The email is sent successfully.
Follow the steps in the video: https://admin.alwaysdata.com/support/77431/376905-bandicam%202024-08-20%2003-19-32-375.mp4
This vulnerability allows an attacker to send emails appearing as if they are from any user.
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That's expected.
Kind regards,