Security vulnerabilities

  • Status Closed
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  • Private
Attached to Project: Security vulnerabilities
Opened by elit3pwner - 16.08.2024
Last edited by cbay - 17.08.2024

FS#69 - EXIF metadata not stripped

Summary: When uploading images in ticket option, the EXIF metadata is not removed or changed in any way.
Description: When answering in the ticket, you can upload a file, and if you upload an image with EXIF metadata on it, it isn't stripped. This can lead to disclosure of location where photo was taken or other personal information by the photo uploader if their group is public, as anyone can download the logo and check the metadata.
Steps To Reproduce:
1) Create a ticket.
2) Upload an image with exif metadata.
3) Now, download the same image and check the metadata.

Link to POC:

Closed by  cbay
17.08.2024 18:20
Reason for closing:  Invalid
cbay commented on 17.08.2024 16:49


That's not a security issue at all.

Kind regards,


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