- Status Closed
- Assigned To No-one
- Private
Opened by roneil - 28.07.2024
Last edited by cbay - 28.07.2024
FS#65 - Unauthorized Access to Admin Page via Exposed Credentials on GitHub
Good day Team,
This is Unauthorized Access to Admin Page via Exposed Credentials on GitHub
- admin.alwaysdata.com
Sensitive credentials for an admin account were found exposed on a public GitHub repository. Using these credentials, an attacker can gain unauthorized access to the admin page of phpmyadmin.alwaysdata.com.
Credentials for an admin user were discovered using a Google dork on GitHub. The dork revealed an admin username and password that allowed access to the admin page of phpmyadmin.alwaysdata.com.
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Go to GitHub and use the search dork: "admin.alwaysdata.com" password.
2. Identify a public repository containing the admin username and password.
3. Navigate to https://phpmyadmin.alwaysdata.com/.
4. Use the discovered credentials to log in.
5. Observe that you have successfully logged in as an admin user.
Proof of Concept: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12dmKXf-6hwk-VZdozGl2FyvsbiVjDZA6/view?usp=sharing
Unauthorized access to sensitive data and administrative functionalities.
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