Security vulnerabilities

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Attached to Project: Security vulnerabilities
Opened by monty099 - 14.07.2024
Last edited by xlefloch - 29.07.2024

FS#59 - Unauthorized Account Takeover via Invitation Exploitation in []

*Vulnerability Summary: Unauthorized Account Takeover via Invitation Exploitation in [] Vulnerability Description: A critical security vulnerability was identified in the account invitation process of [Service that allows the user to create a site]. This vulnerability allowed an unauthorized user to gain administrative control over another user's account through the invitation feature. Below is a detailed timeline of events leading to the account takeover: 1. Account Creation: - A user (referred to as User A) created an account on [Service that allows the user to create a site]. 2. Incorrect Invitation: - User A intended to invite a member to become an administrator but mistakenly sent the invitation to another user (User B). 3. Invitation Deletion: - Realizing the mistake, User A promptly deleted the invitation intended for User B. 4. Correct Invitation: - User A subsequently invited their colleague (referred to as User C) to become an administrator of their account. 5. Acceptance by Colleague: - User C accepted the invitation, assuming administrative rights as intended by User A. 6. Unauthorized Acceptance: - Meanwhile, User B, who received the initial invitation in error, noticed the invitation and, potentially unaware of the implications, accepted it. 7. Account Takeover:**

  1. By accepting the invitation, User B gained administrative access to User A's account, effectively taking ownership of the account.

I've sent a proof of concept: [REDACTED]

Account Takeover

Closed by  xlefloch
29.07.2024 13:13
Reason for closing:  Fixed


any update?


Thank you for your report. Our team will look into it and come back to you soon.



Your report has been approved and a patch has been applied. Can you please open a support ticket to discuss it further?

Thank you


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