- Status Closed
Assigned To
cbay - Private
Opened by sanjoy804 - 05.06.2024
Last edited by cbay - 06.06.2024
FS#54 - Lack of Verification Email
### Summary
The website does not verify email addresses during the account creation process, which can lead to various security issues such as spam, abuse, and account recovery problems.
### Steps to Reproduce
1. Go to the account creation page.https://www.alwaysdata.com/en/register/ 2. Enter any email address and complete the registration process.
3. Notice that no email verification step is required.
### Impact
- Spam and Abuse: Unverified accounts can be used to flood the system with spam or perform malicious activities.
- User Impersonation: An attacker can use someone else's email address, leading to possible impersonation issues.
- Account Recovery Problems: Users might face difficulties in recovering their accounts if email addresses are not verified.
### Recommendation
Implement email verification as a mandatory step in the account creation process to ensure that the email addresses are valid and belong to the users registering them.
06.06.2024 06:09
Reason for closing: Duplicate
Additional comments about closing:
Duplicate of task #53
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